Thursday, February 14, 2019

Accept: Breaker

The follow up to "I'm a Rebel", "Breaker" saw Accept shift from a more rock oriented heavy metal and adopt the power of speed. Their previous releases, although solid albums, had much more of a Scorpions vibe mixed with a little AC/DC. Now, of course that isn't a bad thing, but the sound Accept was trying to create, trying to formulate into their own wouldn't really bloom until "Breaker" On this album we hear a more speed metal vibes created by the riffs and harmonies of the guitars. Sure, there are still some hard rock touches that peak their heads out from time to time such as "Midnight Highway", but it's a nice addition to the overall sound as opposed to being one of core components. This album was also the alum that in my opinion, Udo finally decided to let loose his vocals and beginning to create the sound people would come to expect from Accept. Songs like "Breaker" "Burning" and even the ballad of "Feelings" show of Udo's abilities very nicely. This is not a perfect album, but the attitude and shift toward a more pure metal sound more than make up for any shortcomings. "Breaker" may not have been their debut, but I would argue that it was the beginning of greatness. Much like Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian, after their second release, they would enter their 5 album golden eras. I see a similar trend here with Accept. It's upsetting that many people seem to overlook this album, it really is a great listen.

Highlights: “Breaker” “Burning” “Feelings” “Midnight Highway”

Rating: 4

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