Sunday, February 10, 2019

Bathory: Bathory

One of the two albums that birthed everything we know and love as Black Metal. Venom's "Black Metal" is another topic altogether, but Bathory's debut would be the beginning of what would become a legend in the making.

"Bathory" is, at its core, blackened thrash with the intent to destroy all those you dare listen. The speed and riffs right from the opening track "Hades" (this is true for the original pressing. My reissue has Storm of Damnation, an intro for the first track), tell the listener exactly what they are in for and they don't let up until the end. "Reaper" is my favorite Bathory song hands down and I can remember blasting this my first year in the dorms at college, despite my neighbors being terrified of what kind of psycho would listen to such evil. The drums blast away relentlessly to match the ferocity of the guitars, while Quorthon belts out some of his best vocals. There is plenty of technique on display with well executed solos and catchy melodies to please any metal fan.

Now, this may blur the lines of what the standard sound of what modern day black metal would evoke into, but Bathory's influence would be felt in black metal circles to this day. This album is like a fine wine; an intoxicating first experience that only gets better with age. Even today, I play this record and still feel like a stupid 19 year old kid, banging my head and putting on an air guitar display for Satan himself.

Highlights: (From original pressing) All tracks, but "Hades" "Necromansy" "Reaper" "Armageddon" are exceptional.

Rating: 5

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