Sunday, February 17, 2019

Channel Zero: Unsafe

I can’t comment on Channel Zero’s other releases (although I have their debut on my to do list), but apparently these Belgians started out as a thrash band, but made their entrance into the dead era of thrash. “Unsafe” on the other hand, is a groove/alternative album that, at the time of its release, was the more accessible sound the mainstream outlets were pumping out. I suppose they were like other thrash and death metal bands that were looking to hop off their respected genre train and hitch their wagon to a more hopeful future. That being said, not everyone can make the transition from one style to another. This is the case with “Unsafe”.

Overall, the music on “Unsafe” is nothing spectacular and at best, I would say the band stayed in their safe zone more than anything else. Safe is fine when you’ve established your sound and have a handle on what you’re comfortable with, by the music on “Unsafe” sounds more like, the band was trying to follow a template and simply filled in the blanks with each song. There really isn’t much that stands out on the album, which fails to create a memorable experience. There are a few bright spots however. Songs like “Bad to the Bone” and “Heroin” show the potential their groove influenced sound could have offered, while “Help” is probably their best offering of variation on the album with a little grungier, hard rock vibe to it. Other than a few passable songs, I can’t say this album has much redeeming value.

Highlights: “Bad to the Bone” “Heroin” “Help”

Rating: 2

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