Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Indestroy: Indestroy

Indestroy, a US thrash act that put out a full length and an EP at the height of the thrash craze. The problem? Like many other thrash bands of the era, there were simply too many bands pumping out albums that, unfortunately, bands like Indestroy got lost in the shuffle. That is a real shame too, because “Indestroy” is an excellent release. One that, I’ve come to discover, is still languishing within the shadows of obscurity.

The music on Indestroy is simply one fantastic riff after another, with catchy harmonies and nice solos throughout. The sound they create on “U.S.S.A.” sound a lot like Megadeth, as do the vocals, but not ripped off in any way. Now, as with some thrash acts of the day, the guitar work would quickly become the highlight of the album, with their shredding nature, while the drums take back seat. Sadly, that is the case on “Indestroy” as the drums are audible, but they simply play a supporting role. With a little more polish on their song writing, I think the drums could have given this album a better shot at success. The bass is very noticeable on here, especially on songs like “Justice Sucks” and “Shadowlord”.  I like the sound created by the production, which is muddy with almost a sludgy sound, but allows each of the instruments to be heard. I thought the vocals were a nice fit for the sound of “Indestroy”. They are gritty with just a little rasp to them that allow Mark Strassburg to perform faster and slower performance rather well.

Overall, “Indestroy” is one of the ‘hidden gems lost in the sands of time’ kind of album. At the time, it was a shame their number didn’t get called, but that’s just the name of the game sometimes. With the revival of thrash in the late 00’s and seemingly more waves of new, aspiring thrashers coming out these days, it would seem that an album such as “Indestroy” will forever be left as a best kept secret, but sometimes that’s just the way hidden gems like this stay so bright. You should give this a listen.

Highlights: “U.S.S.A.” “The Gate” “Justice Sucks”

Rating: 4

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