Friday, March 29, 2019

Casey Jones: The Few, The Proud, The Crucial

Hailing from Jacksonville, Florida, Casey Jones play a straight forward, no nonsense straight edge hardcore. The songs are short, fast and in your face with tons of anthemic shouts, pit dancing breakdown, sing along choruses and strong stance of “just say no”. TMNT references noticeably absent, the band incorporates a number of samples from pop culture such as Family Guy or The Karate Kid, which adds some fun and humor into the mix on their debut "The Few, The Proud, The Crucial."

There are plenty of simple, yet catchy riffs that play nicely with the sound, as well as some melodic rhythms to help create some nice melodies along the way. The breakdowns tend to be the focal point of the majority of the songs, which is nothing out of the norm, but they don’t seem tacked on for the sake of staying true to the mantra of the hardcore sound. The bass guitar can be heard plucking around in the background, which is always a nice layer to be heard in this kind of hardcore.

The drumming is fast and plays along with the guitars, adding enough force to make themselves known, but otherwise, they’re rather vanilla in flavor. The vocals tend to stay in the realm of straight up screams and don’t try to deepen into wither deathcore or beatdown core sounding vocals, which allows them to fit perfectly with the sound and tempo of the album.

If you’re into the scene, this is a solid pickup. If you’re a casual core fan, I’d recommend this album, as it’s nice to see a more classic hardcore punk sound style in the 2004, not to mention, it’s a pretty solid effort of Casey Jones’ part.  

Highlights: “Just Another Day in the FLA” “Strike Hard” “Pigs is Pigs”

Rating: 3

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