Saturday, February 9, 2019

Lucifer's Heritage: Battalions of Fear

Although these songs are included with the remastered versions of "Battalions of Fear" and "Follow the Blind", I first heard them on a copy of a tape (back when you recorded your own mix tapes. The good old days). Anyhow, Lucifer's Heritage would obvious morph into the powerhouse legend known as Blind Guardian. On their second demo, we get essentially a couple songs that were re-recorded for "Battalions of Fear" and an additional song that would be used as a bonus track on said album. Demos and original versions of songs can sometimes be an underwhelming experience. Often they lack the refinement and tune ups that we're used to complete the final product, which can leave their original form feeling rather bland. This is both and not the case with Lucifer's Heritage's version. The songs here, that would be reused, definitely sound different, but not bland or dull, but rather raw and filled with potential. Obviously, the final product would be given the polish needed to make these songs shine, but the originals sound almost like their own version of said songs and I think, should be treated as such. Fans of "Battalions of Fear" (BG's version) should make it a point to listen to this demo, or at least seek out the remastered versions to do so. You won’t' be disappointed.

Highlights: "Majesty" "Battalions of Fear

Rating: 3.5

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