Saturday, February 9, 2019

Rude: Soul Recall

Death + Autopsy= "Soul Recall" Now, is that a bad thing? From a fan of OSDM not at all, but the problem is, we've heard this recipe for a long time, up to and including the recent retro revival of said OSDM. Worship aside, you can certainly hear the talent within many of the songs on "Soul Recall", but it seems that they played it safe sticking to the script and knew they wouldn't fail, at least not in the sound department. Songs like "Soul Recall" and "Haunted" show a homage to the greats that came before them, but also allows their talents to be put on display. Sadly, not many songs on this release follows suit and becomes more emulation of what has already been done. All in all, not bad by any means, but it's been done before and again and again.

Highlights: "Soul Recall", "Haunted"

Rating: 3

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