Monday, February 18, 2019

Rumpelstiltskin Grinder: Buried in the Front Yard

Thrash metal with just a hint of crossover and a sprinkle of death, Rumpelstiltskin Grinder's debut, "Buried in the Front Yard" is a fun and entertaining album. Musically, the thrash on display here is done very well, as it's not just shredding riff after riff, but rather a variety of thrash sounds ranging from speed assault to a more technical vibe. Song's such as "Grab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury)" and "Let the Fools Cheer" show off these abilities from and center. However, not every song benefits from such abilities and sadly, more than a few songs here are simply not memorable, but by no means horrible. The humorous lyrics and themes remind me of GWAR at times and I do think their sound fits the lyrical themes as well. Thrash and crossover fans wouldn't be upset to give this a listen as they might get a kick out of this release.

Highlights: "Grab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury)" and "Let the Fools Cheer", "Stealing E.T."

Rating: 3

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