Monday, February 18, 2019

I4NI: It's All Fun and Games

A straight forward thrash offering with Tom Hunting of Exodus fame assuming the responsibilities both drums and vocals.  The early-mid nineties was a rough time to try and hit pay dirt with a thrash release, but the songs on this collection of demos showed a lot of promise, but ultimately, never grew into anything but a side project. "Letters of Lunacy" is an excellent little thrash ballad, while "Rage Within" and "Fatal Sleep" show the potential these demos had, but unfortunately, the major setback is the guitar work.  Bobby Gustafson, who played guitar with Overkill simply missed the mark on any riffs or solos that may have helped these demos stand out among the crowd. All in all, definitely worth your time.

Highlights: "Letters of Lunacy", "Rage Within", "Fatal Sleep"

Rating: 3.5

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