Sunday, February 10, 2019

Slik Toxik: Smooth & Deadly

I remember "borrowing" cassette as a kid, no more than eight years old, and jamming out. Of course, when my parents discovered I had it, I wouldn't see it again until I was much older. Canada's Slik Toxik's sound is the classic sleaze that the late 80's very early 90's was churning out at the time. Fun, party inducing metal/rock that any fan of Skid Row, Poison, or Ratt would love. "Big Fucking Deal" and "Riff Raff" are by far the highlights here, but "Rachel's Breathing" is also a great song.  I remember when I was in my early twenties I stumbled across the original cassette and finally relistened to this gem. For years, I could always remember the course of "Big Fucking Deal", but couldn't remember where I had heard it, so when that song pumped out of my speakers, my years of wondering were happily answered.

Highlights: "Big Fucking Deal" "Riff Raff" "Rachel's Breathing" 

Rating: 3.5

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